Ad Posting Policies

9 Bears is an online marketplace for items and services related to cycling and snow sports. All items being posted must be related to the categories available on the website.

To post ads independently, users need to be at least 16 years old. Ads by individuals under 16 must be submitted by an adult. Any ads found to contravene 9 Bears’s guidelines may be deleted from the platform. Moreover, users who breach these guidelines might face restrictions on their future use of 9 Bears.

We reserve the right to remove any ads that we deem detrimental to the community’s well-being or inconsistent with 9 Bears’s ethos, at any given time. Our standard guideline prohibits the listing, purchase, or sale of items or services that are illegal to possess, purchase, or sell within your state or province of residence or in violation of applicable laws and regulations. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with all relevant laws pertaining to the items you list, purchase, or sell.

Posting any of the following are not permitted:

  • A product for sale that is unlawful to possess, purchase, or trade within your residential jurisdiction.
  • An ad solely aimed at directing traffic to a website without any additional purpose.
  • An ad featuring a collection of keywords not directly associated with the item offered for sale.
  • An ad presented in languages besides English or French.
  • An ad that does not comply with our terms and conditions.
  • An ad containing content of an adult or erotic nature.
  • An ad containing defamatory remarks or expressions of “hate speech”.
  • An ad placed in an incorrect category or containing misleading details.
  • An ad posed as a private seller while you function as a business, professional or dealer.
  • An ad aiming to capitalize on a natural disaster, public safety concern, tragic occurrence, or health issue.
  • Ads utilizing various email addresses for posting.
  • Replicated ads appearing across multiple categories.
  • Personal opinions, discussion topics, and announcements more suitable for social media platforms.

The following can NOT be posted on 9 Bears for any reason, whether or not they relate to cycling or snow sports:

Alcoholic Beverages
Animals (alive or dead, or any parts)
Baby Products Considered Unsafe by your local health authority
Counterfeit Goods and Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Material
Cutting Instruments (i.e., Knives)
Dangerous Substances and Chemicals
Digital Products or Accounts
Flammable Goods (Note: Canadian-approved emergency and distress flares are allowed if intended for signaling.)
Gambling Items (or any mention of gambling)
Goods Under Embargo
Items Acquired through Theft
Items Containing Blood, Bodily Fluids, or Body Parts
Ivory or Bone Items
Marijuana and Marijuana-Derived Goods
Massage Services
Material That Is Offensive or Indecent
Mature/Adult Content
Official IDs, Badges, Uniforms, and Licenses Issued by Government
Personal Identification, Private Information, and Financial Records
Personal Ads (dating, relationship, etc)
Poisonous or Toxic Substances
Prescription Medications and Medical Devices
Prohibited Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia (or any mention thereof)
Products Subject to Recall
Restricted Food Products
Services Related to Child Adoption
Shares and Other Financial Assets
Secondhand Underwear
Tobacco and Alternative Nicotine Products
Tools for Burglary and Vehicle Theft
Unlawful Goods and Services
Virtual Currencies
Weapons of Any Kind
Weight Loss Products
Wildlife Products That Are Illegal or Unauthorized

This list is not exhaustive. 9 Bears reserves the right to remove ads it deems inappropriate.

Copyright © 2024 - 9 Bears - Cycling and Ski & Snowboard Hub.